Our Guest: Phillip J. Ardoin
Home university / Country
Appalachian State University / USA
Professor of American Politics
Research areas
American Politics
Guest of
Cornelia Klecker
Department of American Studies
Department of Political Science
Guest lecture
19.04.2023, 18:00, Hörsaal 7: "A Democracy in Crisis: Truth, Trust, and the Media in the US"
"From Innsbruck, I take home with me [...] a new perspective regarding the politics and culture of Europe."
I am visiting the University of Innsbruck because…
... to broaden my perspective of world politics and, more specifically, the European Union. As a professor of American Politics, providing students with a comparative perspective is critical to truly understanding American politics and the challenges of Democracy throughout the world.
At the University of Innsbruck, I will...
I will be teaching one American Studies course, “Fight Club Politics: How Partisanship is Poisoning Democracy in America”, and one political science course, "American Democracy in Crises". I also look forward to developing new collaborative research opportunities with colleagues in both the Political Science and American Studies Programs.
What surprised me about Innsbruck was...
... the energy of the city. I knew there would be tremendous opportunities for outdoor activities in the beautiful mountains of Innsbruck, but the number of music, art, film, and other artistic events has truly been impressive. I have also been impressed by the students and their broad understanding of not only the politics of the EU but also of the United States. Students in the United States are not nearly as informed about international politics.
From Innsbruck, I take home with me...
... many new friendships and a greater love for the mountains. I will also bring back to my teaching next semester in America a new perspective regarding the politics and culture of Europe.