
Our Guest: Antoine Doucet 

Antoine Doucet

LFUI Guest Professorship
August - September 2024

Home university / Country
University of La Rochelle / France

Full Professor of Computer Science

Research areas
Text Mining, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Evaluation Methodology

Guest of 
Adam Jatowt 

Digital Science Center (DiSC) &
Department of Computer Science

Guest lecture
13.09.2024, at 12:00 (CEST), hybrid
Digital Science Center, 1st floor, Innrain 15,
Open Space Area or Big Blue Button

DiSCourse Seminar with Antoine Doucet:

"Information Extraction from Noisy Text Output"

"There is much to learn and numerous 'low-hanging fruits' at the intersection of different disciplines and subdisciplines."


At the University of Innsbruck I will...

...work on artificial intelligence for the digital humanities. For example, we plan to investigate how information was spreading in historical news across Europe. This work will be conducted at the Digital Science Center (DiSC), in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Research Center. I will also work on other topics, including unexpected ones, as meeting other scholas is a catalyst for serendipity.


What surprised me about Innsbruck was...

From everywhere in the city, the mountain scenery has been a constant amazement. Being at the heart of a university city with a mountain range always in sight is very precious, not to mention the numerous activities this provides. Quite a change from my home university where the daily sight is the Atlantic Ocean!


For my students, I give the following advice…

"Learn everything about something and something about everything" (Huxley).

This over-used quote is nonetheless very adequate. Computer science being for a large part an applied science, it is essential for students to know about other fields and other lines of work, as computer scientists will usually apply their knowledge to (many) other fields of work. This quote is also very important for research. There is much to learn and numerous "low-hanging fruits" at the intersection of different disciplines and subdisciplines. This requires an investment, as different fields tend to use different jargons (sometimes even seeming like different languages), but it is worth the effort. And this is also one reason why I am happy to be hosted at the Digital Science Center (DiSC).


From Innsbruck I will take home with me...

...many ideas to be further developed together with my colleagues at the University of Innsbruck. Consequently, I will also bring back joint project proposals to be submitted. This is, in fact, my strategy to be sure to return.

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