Department of Banking and Finance
Major Areas of Research
Experimental Finance and Economics, Market efficiency, Agent-Based Modelling
Which Research Methods do you apply...
Experiments, (Statistical) Data Analysis
Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
Jürgen Huber, Christian König gen. Kersting
Which of your Papers should the others know?
Unfortunately I do not have a published paper yet.
What do you expect from IDS?
A good time with all the other members, synergies in research interests, have an impact with the research that is done
Science is....?
the grown-up way of finding out how stuff works
Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
pretty cool.
I like...
I don´t like...
social media
The major Societal Challenge is.....
My preferred Holiday Destination is...
Even though there are quite a few places I would love to visit, I usually like it best to stay right here in Tyrol.
Stand: April 2021