Department of Public Finance
Major Areas of Research
Behavioural Industrial Organisation, Political Economy, Contest Theory
Which Research Methods do you apply...
Game theory, decision theory
Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
Florian Morath, Sophia Seelos
Which of your Papers should the others know?
- Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Dynamic Optimal Pricing - Optimal Lobbying Pricing
What do you expect from IDS?
Science is....?
a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe (Wikipedia).
Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
insane..err...I mean...awesome!
I like...
all-you-can-eat sushi.
I don´t like...
2nd referee's comments.
The major Societal Challenge is.....
ignorance. Oh, and inequality.
My preferred Holiday Destination is...
Live your myth in Greece!
Stand: April 2021