Department of Banking and Finance
Major Areas of Research
Risk management, Asset pricing
Which Research Methods do you apply...
Model-building, Empirical.
Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
many member of 'our' Department and those who share similar interests
Which of your Papers should the others know?
- Predicting international stock returns with conditional price-to-fundamental ratios (2017) with J.Zorn,
- Firm size effects in trade credit supply and demand (2018) with J. Oberndorfer,
Journal of Banking & Finance, 93, 1-20
What do you expect from IDS?
“Ask not what your IDS can do for you; ask what you can do for your IDS.”
Science is....?
hard to define, but we know it when we see it.
Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
a privilege.
I like...
sunshine after rain.
I don´t like...
rain after sunshine
The major Societal Challenge is.....
If we survive the climate crisis, maybe something like BigTech, Transhumanism... But I guess the real problem is this:
My preferred Holiday Destination is...
Stand: Juni 2021