Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management
Major Areas of Research
Information Security, Digital Innovation, Mis- and Desinformation in Social Media, Virtualization of Organizations, Ethical Design
Which Research Methods do you apply...
Digital Trace Data, Case Study, Field Study, Experiment, Design Science Research
Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
Nils Augustin, Christoph Burtscher, Khalid Durani, Animesh Kumar, Robert Lamprecht
Which of your Papers should the others know?
What do you expect from IDS?
Information Exchange, Interdisciplinary Research Projects
Science is....?
the knowledge supplier for our society.
Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
my life.
I like...
new and inspiring ideas.
I don´t like...
individual and structural inertia.
The major Societal Challenge is.....
War in the Ukraine and Gaza, Climate Change.
My preferred Holiday Destination is...
somewhere I haven't been yet.
Stand: April 2021