The book is an analysis of the German-language Jewish journal MENORAH. Illustrated monthly for the Jewish home / Illustrierte Monatsschrift für die jüdische Familie; in 1926 the subtitle changed into Jüdisches Familienblatt für Wissenschaft / Kunst und Literatur. MENORAH, founded in Vienna in 1923 by Paul Diamant, was published monthly; from 1924 until the end of its publication in 1932 the publisher was Norbert Hoffmann in Vienna. In the first volumes a few articles appeared in English and Hebrew. The intention of MENORAH was to publish articles on all aspects of Jewish life, maintaining a high standard in the fields of science, art and literature. The main interests of the journal were religious themes and the Jewish culture of Eastern Europe. MENORAH had a strong affinity to Vladimir Jabotinsky and his Revisionist Zionist Party. It was quite difficult to find out the biographical data of MENORAH's publisher Hoffmann, who emigrated to Palestine in 1938, where he died in 1977. It turned out to be impossible to find former readers of MENORAH. It seems that the periodical always was little known. The author analyzes both the visual form and the contents of the journal. The book also offers lists of MENORAH's authors, the keywords, and the publishers mentioned in the journal. Some unknown letters about the editorial work of MENORAH are also published here.

The analysis of the journal is based on a database; the articles have been completely registered in this database program. Data can be accessed by browsing the contents of the journal or by searching for authors, keywords, titles, publishers and literary forms.

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