Mittwoch, 31.05.2023
8:45 - 13:00 Uhr
Sowi, Unterrichtsraum 3, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck
Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 28.05.23
Eintritt / Kosten: keine
Keynote Lata Gangadharan & 10 Forscher:innen der Universitäts Innsbruck
Keynote: Lata Gangadharan, Monash University (Australia)
“Impact of climate change policies: Behavioural insights”
Scientific Session 1
Raphael Epperson, Department of Public Finance,
“Does Lobbying Discourage Individuals from Fighting Climate Change?”
Dominik Duell, Department of Political Science,
“Deliberating Climate Policy: How Speech, Information, and Decision Power Shape Citizens' Preferences on Fighting Climate Change”
Jana Sophie Kesenheimer, Department of Psychology,
“A psychological view of climate change mitigation: The subjectivity of pro-environmental behavior”
Christian König, Department of Banking and Finance,
“Climate Crisis Attitudes among Financial Professionals and Climate Experts”
Natalie Struwe, Department of Public Finance,
“Including Donors in the Provision of Payments for Ecosystem Services”
Scientific Session 2
Sebastian Bachler, Department of Banking and Finance,
“Carbon Pricing in a CRSD Context: Experimental Evidence from the U.S.A.”
Patrick Thomberger, Department of Public Finance,
“Energy footprints and the international trade network: A new dataset. Is the European Union doing it better?”
Stefan Häussler, Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management,
“Using optimization models for more energy efficient steel-production: A case study of an Austrian steel manufacturer”
Marica Valente, Department of Economics,
“Policy evaluation of waste pricing programs using heterogeneous causal effect estimation”
Robert Steiger, Department of Public Finance,
“What the new Loss and Damage fund needs for electorate approval: Evidence from Austria and the Netherlands”
Forschungsschwerpunkt EPoS