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Mittwoch, 10.11.2021

Gastvortrag  ONLINE

The Case for Epistemic Reparation in Genocide Recognition

18:00 Uhr
Online, https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/b/joh-ycc-1sf

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Melanie Altanian

Melanie Altanian is a postdoctoral fellow at the University College Dublin School of Philosophy and researcher at the University of Bern Interfaculty Research Cooperation – Religious Conflicts and Coping Strategies. Besides working on her book manuscript on the epistemic injustice of genocide denialism for Routledge, her current research focuses on the epistemology of ignorance from an intercultural and interreligious perspective as it relates to both the Anthropocene and historical injustices.

Weitere Informationen

Genocide entails what Lynne Tirrell (2013) calls serious recognition harms that undermine an agent’s sense of having a legitimate claim to moral status. In this talk, I focus particularly on the epistemic recognition harms involved in genocide and argue that survivors and descendants are entitled to epistemic repair in its aftermath. This calls for epistemically substantive genocide recognition: recognition of the genocidal epistemology and the ignorances thereby generated, based on which perpetration was enabled, justified and even prescribed. Such genocide recognition re-asserts survivors and descendants epistemic status. It provides them with epistemic recognition that has been systematically withdrawn from them, making epistemic reparation a crucial element of restorative justice. In light of this, I argue that the right to know functions as epistemic corrective against the pernicious ignorances that persist in the aftermath of genocide.


Institut für Christliche Philosophie
Doktoratskolleg Religionsphilosophie
ICPR - Innsbruck Center for Philosophy of Religion