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Veranstaltungen · Universität Innsbruck · Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

Dienstag, 18.05.2021

Gastvortrag  ONLINE

Una mirada pandémica a la relación entre patriarcado y colonialismo

18:00 Uhr
online, https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/b/jan-zjj-ave-2r9

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María Galindo (Künstlerin & Aktivistin, Bolivien)

Weitere Informationen

María Galindo is a Bolivian feminist activist, visual and performance artist and psychologist. She has worked as a radio presenter, television host and screenwriter and is author of three books. With “No se puede Descolonizar sin Despatriarcalizar” (2013), she made an important contribution to the theorization of intersectionality in Latin America.

She co-founded Mujeres Creando ("Women Creating"), a Bolivian collective and social movement which confronts sexism and homophobia. She broadcasts a regular radio program from Mujeres Creando. For her controversial actions (often labeled as performance art or street theater), she was arrested and assaulted several times by Bolivian police. She is unquestionably an international reference regarding cultural activism and social transformation.

Galindo states, "The street is the most important political setting...”

The lecture will be held in Spanish language. No prior registration necessary.

"La nueva marea feminista: Kunst, Kultur und Aktivismus in Lateinamerika"

Eine Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Romanistik in Kooperation mit der Studienvertretung Romanistik und dem Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien.

Weitere Informationen zur Reihe: https://www.uibk.ac.at/zias/veranstaltungen/

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Institut für Romanistik/Studienvertretung Romanistik/Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien