MMag. Natalie Sabine MAIR

University of Innsbruck
Department of Translation Studies
Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer 15, 3rd floor, room 315
A-6020 Innsbruck
Natalie Mair
Consultation hour
Senior Lecturer -
At the department since
01.10.2016 -
Mother tongue
English -
Educational language
German -
Language of instruction
English, German, Spanish -
Main focus of teaching
English language training (BA)
Translating German > English (BA and MA)
Translating English > German (BA and MA)
Translating Spanish > German (BA)
Liaison interpreting (BA) and consecutive interpreting (MA) -
Administrative duties
Coordination of the AG Communication and School Partnerships (AKS)
Mentor (Buddy/mentoring system at the University of Innsbruck)
Member of the Social Media Working Group at the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies -
Main areas of research/research interests
Intercultural competences and communication
Language and translation didactics
Machine translation in translation didactics
Community interpreting
Barrier-free communication
Research services -
Board member of the professional association for interpreting and translation UNIVERSITAS Austria (liaison person INTRAWI, Tyrol and Vorarlberg)
Member of the UNIVERSITAS Committee for Translation (AfÜ)