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Dissemination and Appliaction of CARBOMONT results
within the EU TMR programmes SOCRATES and LEONARDO

Intensive courses

Based on the results of CARBOMONT, teaching material for three SOCRATES intensive courses will be prepared, such as for "Training on sustainable development in mountain regions", "Training on integrated ecosystem and landscape ecology in alpine areas of Europe", and "Training on environmental monitoring and decision making modelling in European mountain areas".

Further Information and registration by Alexander Cernusca

Intensive Courses

Training on tools and methods
of sustainable mountain development in Europe

Course 1: June 2002, Spanish Pyrenees
Training on sustainable development in mountain regions of Europe
Course 2: September 2003, Scottish Highlands
Training on environmental monitoring and decision modelling in European mountain areas
Course 3: June 2004, Spanish Pyrenees
Training on sustainable development in mountain regions of Europe

Course 4: August 2005, Scottish Highlands
Training on environmental monitoring and decision modelling in European mountain areas
Course 5: June 2006, Spanish Pyrenees
EUROMONT: Training on landscape modelling and stakeholder consultation in European mountain areas

Course 6: May 2007, Spanish Pyrenees
IP EUROMONT: Training on landscape modelling and stakeholder consultation in European mountain areas

teaching materials

 More Information

Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas
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