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Dissemination and Appliaction of CARBOMONT results
within the EU TMR programmes SOCRATES and LEONARDO

Exchange of students and experts

In order to promote the application of the results of CARBOMONT in training, economy and administration, a close co-operation with the transfer and mobility programmes of the EU is implemented. The EU TMR programme SOCRATES opens the possibility of exchanging teachers and diploma-students between the CARBOMONT partner teams and universities. The LEONARDO programme is used for exchange of experts between CARBOMONT and different institutions in the applied field.

EU TMR programm Socrates

EU networks of training and transfer "Ecology of the Alpine Area" (SOCRATES), co-ordinated by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Cernusca, University of Innsbruck. This network will be used for the application and dissemination of CARBOMONT results to end users.

Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas
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