Astrophysical Seminar
WS 2022/23
- 9. Nov, 15:40: A High-Resolution Near-IR Spectroscopic Atlas of the F5 IV-V Standard Star ProcyonSpeaker: Michael Scherbichler
- 23. Nov, 15:40: Weak-Lensing Analysis of SPT-ECS Galaxy Clusters in KiDSSpeaker: Florian Kleinebreil
- 7. Dec, 15:40: Star Makers: A history of theories of stellar structure and evolution - retold from Arny 1990Speaker: Thomas Steindl
- 14. Dec, 15:40: tbdSpeaker: Erd Leon Vincent
- 11. Jan, 15:40: tbdSpeaker: Ebenbichler Alexander
- 18. Jan, 15:40: tbdSpeaker: Manuel Mueller
- 25. Jan, 15:40: tbdSpeaker: Scheller Nena
- 1. Feb, 15:40: Synergies BrainstromingChair: Sebastian Grandis