Astrophysical Seminar
SS 2018
- 23. Mar, 14:30: Talk TilteSpeaker: Prof. Dr. M. Blah | Location: SR 8/18
- 20. Mar, 14:30: Observing with the IRSF at SAAOSpeaker: Matthias Kondrak | Location: SR 8/18
- 10. Apr, 14:30: Stark broadening in Stellar spectrum and it's applicationSpeaker: Chougule Abhishek Rajesh | Location: SR 8/18
- 22. May, 14:30: TBDSpeaker: Anton Scheepstra | Location: SR 8/18
- 29. May, 14:30: TBDSpeaker: Ahad Syeda Lammim | Location: SR 8/18
- 05. Jun, 14:30: TBDSpeaker: Sreejith Sreevarsha | Location: SR 8/18
- 12. Jun, 14:30: TBDSpeaker: Alexander Ebenbichler | Location: SR 8/18