Ceremony with Festschrift Handover in Honor of Prof. Dr. Steckel

On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steckel around 120 guests attended a ceremony in the Kaiser-Leopold-Saal. Part of the ceremony was the handover of a Festschrift which was published on the occasion of his birthday.
2017-04-28 Festakt Prof Dr Rudolf Steckel

After Julia Baldauf has welcomed the guests, the rector of the University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Tilmann Märk, and the dean of the School of Management, Prof. Dr. Matthias Bank, congratulated the jubilarian. Both emphasized his achievements as researcher, teacher, and intermediary between science and practice.

Laudatio by Erich Pummerer

Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Erich Pummerer, who is a long-time companion to Prof. Dr. Steckel, held a laudatory speech. After a brief review of Steckel’s academic career, Pummerer acknowledged his expertise in auditing and related fields, which often have a high practical relevance, but do not receive the same attention by the general research community. Like his predecessors, Pummerer pointed out that Steckel did not shy away from the practical test of his scientific work, and always supported the profession as well as the ministries with scientifically founded advice. Furthermore, the laudator emphasized Steckel’s achievements as teacher, especially his leading part in the AFECA/ILPA project, a project by several European and an US-American university, which aims to facilitate the international accounting education. Furthermore, Pummerer appreciated Steckel’s merits as head of department, and member of the School of Management.

Handover of the Festschrift

After the laudatory speech, Prof. Dr. Steckel was handed over the Festschrift by the editors Julia Baldauf and Sabine Graschitz. The Festschrift with the title “Theorie und Praxis aus Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung” (“Theory and practice in accounting and auditing – national and international developments”), which was published by LexisNexis, comprises over 400 pages, and contains contributions from more than 40 Austrian and international authors. The treatises cover a broad range of actual topics in accounting, auditing, and taxation. Finally, Steckel thanked the guests for the congratulations. The ceremony was rounded off with a get-together in the foyer of the theological faculty.


Academic Career

From 1977 to 1982 Prof. Dr. Steckel studies business administration at the University of Innsbruck. Subsequently, he was enrolled in the doctorate program in social and economic sciences until 1987, which he completed with distinction. During this time, he was also assistant at the former institute for audit, fiduciary, and accounting. In November 1994 he qualified as a professor of business administration. Since April 2003 Prof. Dr. Steckel is a full-time professor of business administration at the University of Innsbruck. Moreover, he is member in a wide range of scientific and professional associations, and author and editor of numerous publications.

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