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COV&R-Bulletin No. 16 (April 1999)

Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory, Vol. XVI

Dietmar Regensburger

1) Books concerning the entire work of René Girard

Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean-Pierre. Die Hölle der Dinge. René Girard und die Logik der Ökonomie. Mit einem Nachwort von René Girard. Herausgegeben von Erich Kitzmüller und Herwig Büchele. Aus dem Französischen von Vanessa Redak und Erich Kitzmüller (L'enfer des choses, german). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 9. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur; LIT: Münster, 1999.

Gewalt und Opfer: kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Violence and Sacrifice: cultural anthropological and theological aspects taken from five continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

2) Articles concerning the entire work of René Girard

Cunningham, Adrian and Strenski, Ivan, eds. "Christianity: A Sacrificial or Nonsacrificial Religion? (Conference papers, Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Chicago, 18 November 1994)." In Religion 27 (1997): 219-254.

Desplanque, Christophe. "Pourqoui Jésus a-t-il dû mourir? La réponse de René Girard" In Revue de réflexion théologique No. 39 (1988): 48-62.

Farris, James R. "Choosing Our Victims: Reflections on the Theory of René Girard and the Theology of Power." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 29-32. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Farris, James R. "Die Wahl unserer Opfer: Gedanken zur Theorie von René Girard und einer "Theologie der Macht"." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 29-34. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Ferreira dos Santos, Laura. "A non-violenca do pensamento de René Girard." In Revista portuguesa de filosofia 52/1-4 (1996): 785-795.

Fornari, Giuseppe. "Apologia della Bibbia come apologia della vittima: La concezione antropoligica e religiosa di René Girard." In: Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari, 9-34. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Gans, Eric. "Beyond "Generative Anthropology": 2. Resistance to (Mimetic) Theory." In Chronicles of Love and Resentment (CLR) No. 145, 25 July 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw145.htm

Gans, Eric. "External and Internal Mediation." CLR No. 116, 8 November 1997: www. ... vw116.htm

Gans, Eric. "Love and Originary Violence." CLR No. 104, 9 August 1997: www. ... vw104.htm

Gutmann, Hans-Martin. "Die ansteckende Gewalt, die Sakrifizierung des Opfers und das aufklärende Evangelium: Aspekte der Theorie René Girards." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspecte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 12-20. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Gutmann, Hans-Martin. "The Contagious Effect of Violence, the "Making Sacred" of the Victim, and the Enlightening Power of the Gospel: Aspects of the Theorie of René Girard." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 13-19. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Deity/God and Sacrifice: Religious History and the Theory of René Girard." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 7-12. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Gottheit/Gott - und die Opfer: Der religionsgeschichtliche Befund und die Deutungstheorie René Girards." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 5-11. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund SJ. "Religionswissenschaft und Theologie: Wolfhart Pannenberg und René Girard." Kerygma und Dogma 44/3 (1998): 172-192.

Snyman, S. D. "Trends in the History of Research on the Problem of Violence in the Old Testament." In Skrif en Kerk 18/1 (1997): 127-145.

Tijmes, Pieter. "De romaneske waarheid." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 57/4 (1995): 667-691.

Urbanska, Anna. "Koncepcja Mimesis René Girarda." In Etnografia Polska 41/1-2 (1997): 21-47.

Vanheeswijk, Guido. "De romaneske waarheid bij René Girard." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 59/1 (1997): 89-102.

Vergote, A. "René Girards absolute theorie." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 58/1 (1996): 128-141.

3) Interviews with René Girard

Girard, René. "La lotta fra Gesù e Satana. Interview by Giuseppe Fornari." In: Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Girard, René. "La violenza, virus e terapia: A colloquia con René Girard. Interview by Pier Maria Mazzola." In Nigrizia 116/4 (1998): 51-53.

Girard, René. "Wie is er bang van Virginia Woolf? Interview by Guido Vanheeswijk and Peter Van Olmen." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 133-149. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

4) Reviews about single works of René Girard

Beretta Anguissola, Alberto. "La svolta di René Girard." In Avenire, 27 December 1998, 23.

5) Books with references to René Girard

Baudler, Georg: Das Kreuz: Geschichte und Bedeutung. Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1997.

Bernstein, Michael. Bitter Carnival: Ressentiment and the Abject Hero. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Gans, Eric. Signs of Paradox: Irony, Resentment, and Other Mimetic Structures. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.

Hurka, Herbert M. Phantasmen der Gewalt: Die mediale Konstruktion des Opfers. Passagen Schwarze Reihe. Wien: Passagen Verlag, 1997.

Schlör, Veronika. Hermeneutik der Mimesis: Phänomene, begriffliche Entwicklungen, schöpferische Verdichtung in der Lyrik Christine Lavants. Düsseldorf, Bonn: Parerga, 1998.

Stephan, Cora: Das Handwerk des Krieges. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1998.

Tugnoli, Claudio. Il senso di colpa: Saggio sui limiti della responsibiltà individuale. Bologna: Pitagora Editrice, 1996.

Wettstein, Harri. Qui fixera le jour et l'heure? Lettre ouverte à Ronald Reagan, atteint de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Vevey: Ed. de l'Aire, 1996.

6) Articles with references to René Girard

Algazi, L. G. "Throw Away the Key: The Prison as Maternal Space in the Stendhalian Novel." In Nineteenth Century Studies 26/3-4 (1998): 286-294.

Allen, S. L. "Dispossessed Sons and Displaced Meaning in Faulkners Modern Cosmos." In Mississipi Quarterly 50/3 (1997): 427-443.

Arvanitakis, K. I. "Some Thoughts on the Essence of the Tragic." In Internatinal Journal of Psycho-Analysis (1998): 955-964.

Badosciria, C. "Volatile Bodies: The Photographs of Flor Garduno." In Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 26/2 (1997): 15-25.

Berenstein, R. J. "Adaptation, Censorship and Audiences of Questionable Type: Lesbian Sightings in "Rebecca" (1940) and the "Uninvited" (1944)." In Cinema Journal 37/3 (1998): 16-37.

Brandstetter, G. "Ritual as Scene and Discourse: Art and Science Around 1900 as Exemplified by "Le Sacre du Printemps"." In World of Music 40/1 (1998): 37-59.

Burnett, L. "Margaret Clarkes "Gertrude and Ophelia": Writing Revisionist Culture, Writing a Feminist New Poetics." In Essays in Theatre / Etudes Theatrales 16/1 (1997): 15-32.

Chauvet, Lois-Marie. "Quand le théologien se fait anthropologue...." In Approches scientifiques des faits religieux, ed. Joncheray, Jean, 29-46. Sciences théologiques et religieuses 7. Paris: Beauchesne, 1997.

Chauvet, Lois-Marie and Mary, André. "Débat avec Louise-Marie Chauvet et André Mary animé par Jean-Marc Aveline." In Approches scientifiques des faits religieux, ed. Joncheray, Jean, 75-85. Sciences théologiques et religieuses 7. Paris: Beauchesne, 1997.

Cole, S. "Conradian Alienation and Imperial Intimacy." In Modern Fiction Studies 44/2 (1998): 251-281.

Collins, A. Y. "Finding Meaning in the Death of Jesus: Tracing the Developmental Lines of Ritual Sacrifice and Suffering in the "Gospel of Mark" from a Hellenistic and Roman Contextual Tradition." In Journal of Religion 78/2 (1998): 175-196.

Cook, A. "The Ordering Effect of Dramatized History: Shakespeare and "Henry VIII"." In Centennial Review 42/1 (1998): 5-28.

Cox, C. S. "An Excellent Thing in Women: Virgo and Viragos in "King Lear"." In Modern Philology 96/2 (1998): 143-157.

Crais, C. "Of Men, Magic, and the Law: Popular Justice and the Political Imagination in South-Africa." In Journal of Social History 32/1 (1998): 49-50.

Dasilva, S. "Transvaluing Immaturity: Reverse Discourses of Male Homosexuality in E. M. Forsters Posthumously Published Fiction." In Criticism 40/2 (1998): 237-272.

Delacueva, J. "Religious Persecution, Anticlerical Tradition and Revolution: On Atrocities Against the Clergy During the Spanish-Civil-War." In Journal of Contemporary History 33/3 (1998): 355-369.

Detels, C. "History, Philosophy, and the Canons of the Arts." In Journal of the Aesthetic Education 32/3 (1998): 33-51.

Fitz, B. E. "Cain as Convict and Convert: Cross-Cultural Logic in the "Song of Roland"." In Modern Language Notes 113/4 (1998): 812-822.

Fletcher, R. P. "Visual Thinking and the Picture Story in the "History of Henry Esmond"." In PMLA 113/3 (1998): 379-394.

Fullbrook, E. "Caroline Foley and the Theory of Intersubjective Demand." In Journal of Economic Issues 32/3 (1998): 709-731.

Gans, Eric. "Aesthetics and Cultural Criticism." In Boundary 2 25/1 (1998): 67-85.

Gans, Eric. "A Thought for Independence Day." In CLR No. 142, 4 July 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw142.htm

Gans, Eric. "Beyond "Generative Anthropology": 1. Deferring Resentment." In CLR No. 144, 18 July 1998: www. ... vw144.htm

Gans, Eric. "Clinton and the Sacrificial Paradigm." In CLR No. 151, 17 October 1998: www. ... vw151.htm

Gans, Eric. "God is Love." CLR No. 119, 6 December 1997: www. ... vw119.htm

Gans, Eric. "On Celebrity." CLR No. 108, 6 September 1997: www. ... vw108.htm

Gans, Eric. "Personal Origins of GA: 2. Bronx Romanticism and Theoretical Minimalism." CLR No. 113, 18 October 1997: www. ... vw113.htm

Gans, Eric. "Personal Origins of GA: 4. Class and Universality." In CLR No. 143, 11 July 1998: www. ... vw143.htm

Gans, Eric. "Presidential Kneepads and Phallic Religion." CLR No. 125, 7 February 1998: www. ... vw125.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Body Sacrificial, Revisited." CLR No. 127, 21 February 1998: www. ... vw127.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Critique of Love." CLR No. 102, 26 July 1997: www. ... vw102.htm

Gans, Eric. "The End of "Seinfeld"." CLR No. 121, 10 January 1998: www. ... vw121.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Erotic." In CLR No. 128, 28 February 1998: www. ... vw128.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Problem of the Subject." CLR No. 117, 15 November 1997: www. ... vw117.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Rhetoric of God." In CLR No. 138, 30 May 1998: www. ... vw138.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Voice of Authority." In CLR No. 157, 19 December 1998: www. ... vw157.htm

Gogol, M. and Orlov, P. A. "Prospects for the Study of Theodore Dreiser." In Resources for American Literature Study 24/1 (1998): 1-21.

Kelleter, F. "Portrait of the Sexist as a Dying Man: Death, Ideology, and the Erotic in Phillip Roths "Sabbaths Theater"." In Contemporary Literature 39/2 (1998): 262-302.

Koppenfels, M. V. "Garcia Lorcas "El Publico" or the Fear of Being Shakespeare." In Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 48/3 (1998): 337-353.

Lesch, Walter. "Grenzfragen kommunikativen Handelns: Erfahrungen von Schuld und radikalem Bösen." In Erkenntniswege in der Theologie, ed. Bogensberger, Hugo, Ferschl, Franz, Kögerler, Reinhart, and Zauner, Wilhelm, 233-250. Forum St. Stephan 10. Graz: Styria, 1998.

Levenson, J. D. "Abusing Abraham: Traditions, Religious Histories, and Modern Misinterpretations. Post-Kantian Philosophical-Analysis of the Aqedah as Rational Theology." In Judaism 47/3 (1998): 259-277.

Luis, W. "How to Read "Sab"." In Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 32/1 (1998): 175-186.

Marx, Alfred. "La place du sacrifice dans l'ancien Israël." In Congress volume, Cambridge 1995, ed. Emerton, J. A., 203-217. Vetus Testamentum. Supplements 66. Leiden: Brill, 1997.

Mathews, D. G. "We Have Left Undone Those Things Which We Ought to Have Done: Southern Religious History in Retrospect and Prospect." In Church History 67/2 (1998): 305-325.

Mellor, P. A. and Shilling, C. "Durkheim, Morality and Modernity: Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex, and the Sources of Moral Action." In British Journal of Sociology 49/2 (1998): 193-209.

Menke, Karl-Heinz. "Der Gott, der schon jetzt Zukunft schenkt: Plädoyer für eine christologische Theodizee." In Mit Gott streiten: Neue Zugänge zum Theodizee-Problem, ed. Wagner, Harald, 90-130. Quaestiones disputatae 169. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1998.

Meyer, L. R. "Athanasius' Use of Paul in His Doctrine of Salvation: On the Expiatory Nature of Christ Death in the Writings of the Church Fathers." In Vigiliae Chritianae 52/2 (1998): 146-171.

Moudileno, L. "Labou-Tansis "La Vie Et Demie" or the Tortuous Path of the Fable." In Research in African Literatures 29/3 (1998): 21-33.

Neilson, B. "D. H. Lawrences Dark Page: Narrative Primitivism in "Women in Love" and the "Plumed Serpent"." In Twentieth Century Literature 43/3 (1997): 310-325.

Neuhaus, Gerd. "Theodizee und Glaubensgeschichte: Zur Kontingenz einer Fragestellung." In Mit Gott streiten: Neue Zugänge zum Theodizee-Problem, ed. Wagner, Harald, 11-47. Quaestiones disputatae 169. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1998.

Neumann, G. ""Iphigenia": Sacrifice and Ritual in Drama." In World of Music 40/1 (1998): 101-117.

Parry, D. L. "Articulating the Third-Republic by Conspiracy Theory." In European History Quarterly 28/2 (1998): 163-188.

Pitts, J. "Writing on - "Blood Meridian" as Devisionary Western." In Western American Literature 33/1 (1998): 6-25.

Richardson, M. "Seductions of the Impossible: Love, the Erotic and Sacrifice in Surrealist Discourse." In Theory Culture & Society 15/3-4 (1998): 375-376.

Rosenman, S. "Review of "The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion", by M.J. Lerner." In Journal of Psychohistory 25/3 (1998): 298-309.

Saintamand, P. "Hot Terror - "Quatrevingt-Treize"." In Sub-Stance No. 86 (1998): 61-72.

Sathler-Rosa, Ronaldo. "Antwort auf das Referat von Hans-Martin Gutmann aus brasilianischer Perspektive." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 20-22. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Sathler-Rosa, Ronaldo. "Response to the Lecture of Hans-Martin Gutmann from a Brasilian Perspective." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 20-22. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schehr, L. R. "Mirbeaus Ultraviolence." In Sub-Stance No. 86 (1998): 106-127.

Shrayer, M. D. "Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin: A Reconstruction." In Russian Literature 43/3 (1998): 339-411.

Swirski, P. "Literature and Literary Knowledge." In Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 31/2 (1998): 6-23.

Tschuggnall, Peter. "Don Juans Bekenntnis: Erlösung auf der Bühne Mozarts? Mit einem Blick auf Albert Camus' "Dank an Mozart" (1956)." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 379-390. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Walther, B. K. "Web of Shudders: Sublimity in Søren Kierkegaards "Fear and Trembling"." In Modern Language Notes 112/5 (1997): 753-785.

Warning, R. "Zolas "Rougon-Macquart": Compensatory Images of a Wild Ontology." In Modern Language Notes 113/4 (1998): 705-733.

Williams, James G. "Review of "The Joy of Beeing Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes", by James Alison." In First Things 89 (January 1999): 45-48.

Wolitz, S. L. ""Der Yid Fun Bovl" ("The Jew from Babylon"): Variants and Meanings." In Yiddish 11/1 (1998): 30-47.

7) Books applying the mimetic theory

Colombo, Adele. Il sacrificio evento e rito: Dalla violenza sacra e strumentale nella visione di René Girard al dono nell'eucaristia. Tesi di laurea 17. Padova: abbazia di Santa Giustina, 1998.

Ecker, Ludwig. Zwischen Recht und Vergebung: Der Beitrag der Theorie René Girards zur Beschreibung christlicher Existenz. Linz: Verlagsatelier Wagner, 1999.

Girard, René. Figuren des Begehrens: Das Selbst und der Andere in der fiktionalen Realität. Aus dem Französischen von Elisabeth Mainberger-Ruh (Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque, german). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 8. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur; LIT: Münster, 1999.

Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Goodhart, Sandor. Sacrificing Commentary: Reading the End of Literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

8) Articles applying the mimetic theory

N.d. "Logiche di guerra." In Nigriza 116/7-8 (1998): l'editoriale.

Arles, Nalini. "Frau - zum Sündenbock gemacht: Erfahrungen aus Indien." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 53-58. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Arles, Nalini. "Woman - the Scapegoat: Experiances from India." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 50-55. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Atmadja, Nieke. "Antwort auf das Referat von Raymund Schwager aus asiatischer Perspektive." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 26-28. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Atmadja, Nieke. "Response to the Lecture of Raymund Schwager from a Asian Perspective." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 26-28. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Bertonneau, T. F. "Like Hypatia Before the Mob: Desire, Resentment, and Sacrifice in the "Bostonians"." In Nineteenth Century Literature 53/1 (1998): 56-90.

Brown, L. E. and Stivers, R. "The Legend of Nigger Lake: Place as Scapegoat." In Journal of Black Studies 28/6 (1998): 704-723.

Carter, C. A. "Kenneth Burke and the Bicameral Power of Myth." In Poetics Today (1997): 343-373.

Chambers, Diane M. "Triangular Desire and the Sororal Band: The "Deceases Wife's Sister Bill"." In Mosaic 29/1 (1996): 19-37.

De Smul, Tony and Elsen, Johan. "Van mythe tot roman: Een perspectief op de evolutie van het verhaal." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 50-66. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Gans, Eric. "In the Beginning Was the Word." In CLR No. 154, 14 November 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw154.htm

Gans, Eric. "Models of Identity." CLR No. 103, 2 August 1997: www. ... vw103.htm

Gans, Eric. "On Looking Into Branagh's "Hamlet"." In CLR No. 141, 20 June 1998: www. ... vw141.htm

Girard, René. "Innovation and Repetition." In SubStance No.62-63 (1990): 7-20.

Girard, René. "Mythologie, geweld en christendom." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 13-30. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Girard, René. "Violenza e verità nei Vangeli e nella mitologia." In Fedi e violenze, ed. Martini, Carlo Maria, 21-35. Cattedra dei non credenti 9. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1997.

Grande, Per Bjørnar. "Stepan Trofimovitsj og den borgerlige besettelse (Stepan Trofimovich and the Possessedness of the Bourgoise)." In Kirke og Kultur 103/2 (1998): 143-151.

Horvath, A. "Tricking into the Position of the Outcast: A Case-Study in the Emergence and Effects of Communist Power." In Political Psychology 19/2 (1998): 331-347.

Logie, Ilse. "Argentinië, een romantisch misverstand: Mimetische drijfveren in de Argentijnse maatschappij en literatur." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 67-91.Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Mozina, A. "An Outcast Twice Removed: Conrad, Razumov, and the Martyr as Model in "Under Western Eyes"." In Conradiana 30/2 (1998): 125-139.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Aufklärung durch Theologie." In Erkenntniswege in der Theologie, ed. Bogensberger, Hugo, Ferschl, Franz, Kögerler, Reinhart, and Zauner, Wilhelm, 89-106. Forum St. Stephan 10. Graz: Styria, 1998.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Das "Hiobproblem" in den Religionen: Ein Versuch im Kontext der Perspektive von René Girard." In Warum? Hiob interdisziplinär diskutiert. Mainzer Universitätsgespräche Wintersemester 1997/98, 53-72. Studium generale. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg Universität, 1998.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Literatur und Religion - im Kontext einer Weltzivilisation." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 13-27. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Die ethischen Grenzen des Mehrheitsprinzips: Zur politischen Theologie der Demokratie." In Ethik und Demokratie. 28. Fachkongress für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik (Sept. 1997/Münster), ed. Autiero, Antonio, 85-111. Studien der Moraltheologie 8. Münster: LIT, 1998.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Hauke Haien - ein Sündenbock? Theodor Storms "Schimmelreiter" aus der Perspektive der Theorie René Girards." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 221-236. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Pelckmans, Paul. "De zondebok als romantische leugen: Over "The scarlet Letterr"." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 92-118. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijk, Guido. "Ten Geleid." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 7-12. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Pfäfflin, Ursula. "A Walk in a Rosebush: Violence and Sacrifice in Feminist Intercultural Perspective of Pastoral Care and Counseling." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 55-60. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

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