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COV&R-Bulletin No. 15 (Oct. 1998)

Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory, Vol. XV

Dietmar Regensburger

1) Articles concerning the entire work of René Girard

Gardiner, Fred. "Überlegungen zu René Girards Deutung des Besessenen Geraseners." In Zwischen Regionalität und Globalisierung: Studien zu Mission, Ökumene und Religion, ed. Ahrens, Theodor, 423-443. Ammersbek bei Hamburg: Verlag an der Lottbek, 1997.

Gans, Eric. "Originary Narrative." In Anthropoetics III/2 (Fall/Winter 1997/98): http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/

Haas, Eberhard T. "Gewalt - Opfer - Sündenbock: Einführung in die Kulturanthropologie René Girards." In Wege zum Menschen 49/8 (1997): 485-500.

Hunsinger, George. "The Politics of the Nonviolent God: Reflections on René Girard and Karl Barth. In Scottish Journal of Theology 51/1 (1998) 61-85.

Tomelleri, Stefano. "Verso un modello relazionale della violenza. In Animazione Sociale. Torino, 1997.

Tyler, Simon J. "Cruciform Anthropology: An Introduction to the Thought of René Girard." In The Month CCLIX/1564 (April 1998): 136-139.

2) Interviews with René Girard

René Girard. "Interview with René Girard by Leo Lefebure and Ewert Cousins." In Christian Century, 8 April 1998.

René Girard Responds to Questions. Recorded at Campion Hall Oxford, 7 November 1997: Two audiotapes, 113 minutes. (Obtainable from W. Hewett, Inigo Enterprises, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 4 RY, UK)

3) Reviews about single works of René Girard

Kahn, Coppelia. "Review of "A Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare", by René Girard." In Comparative Literature 46/4 (1994): 400-402.

Kirwan, Michael. ""A Theater of Envy": René Girard on William Shakespeare." In The Month CCLIX/1564 (April 1998): 140-143.

Kirwan, Michael. "Review of "Resurrection from the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky", by René Girard." In The Month CCLIX/1563 (March 1998): 115f.

Tyler, Simon J. "Review of "The Girard Reader", edited by James G. Williams." In The Month CCLIX/1563 (March 1998): 114f.

4) Books with references to René Girard

Es gibt keinen hoffnungslosen Fall: Das sozialpädagogische Konzept der Emmausgemeinschaft St. Pölten, ed. Rottenschlager Karl. St. Pölten, Wien: NP-Buchverlag, 1997.

Escobar, R. Metamorfosi della paura. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997.

Guggenberger, Wilhelm. Niklas Luhmanns Systemtheorie: Eine Herausforderung der christlichen Gesellschaftslehre. Innsbrucker theologische Studien 51. Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1998.

Heinsohn, Gunnar. Die Erschaffung der Götter: Das Opfer als Ursprung der Religion. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1997.

Künzli, Arnold. Gotteskrise: Fragen zu Hiob - Lob des Agnostizismus. Rowohlts Enzyklopädie 55596. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1998.

Luhmann, Niklas. Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 1152. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1994.

Scubla, Lucien. Lire Lévi-Strauss: Le déploiement d'une intuition. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob, 1998.

5) Articles with references to René Girard

Ahrens, Theodor. ""Geistliche Säuberungen" als Strategie kirchlicher Identitätssicherung? Ein Beispiel aus Ozeanien als Beitrag zum Programm des ÖRK zur Überwindung der Gewalt." In Ohne Streit kein Frieden? Konflikte in Partnerkirchen in Indien, Indonesien und Ozeanien, ed. Becker, Dieter, 101-135. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Otto Lembeck, 1998.

Ahrens, Theodor. "Mission unter Missionen: Die "Jesusstory" im Spannungsfeld von Regionalität und Globalisierung - eine Standortbestimmung. In Zwischen Regionalität und Globalisierung: Studien zu Mission, Ökumene und Religion, ed. Ahrens, Theodor, 15-51. Ammersbek bei Hamburg: Verlag an der Lottbek, 1997.

Ahrens, Theodor, Freytag, Justus, Gardiner, Fred and Schramm, Tim: "Religion und Gewalt." In Zwischen Regionalität und Globalisierung: Studien zu Mission, Ökumene und Religion, ed. Ahrens, Theodor, 369-408. Ammersbek bei Hamburg: Verlag an der Lottbek, 1997.

Braud, P. "Decline of the Founding Values of Democracy and Weakening of Quasi-Missionary Institutions." In Studies in Comparative International Development 32/3 (1997): 112-123.

Buelens, G. "In Possession of a Secret: Rhythms of Mastery and Surrender in Henry James' "Beast in the Jungle"." In Henry James Review 19/1 (1998): 17-35.

Carter, C. A. "Kenneth Burke and the Bicameral Power of Myth." In Poetics Today 18/3 (1997): 343-373.

Casa, F. P. "In Defense of Lazaro-de-Tormes." In Critica Hispanica 19/1-2 (1997): 87-98.

Damodaran, A. and Roe, E. "Theorizing to Explain and Triangulating to Explain Away: The Art and Nonart of Multimethod Policy Research." In Economic and Political Weekly 33/1-2 (1998): 55-62.

Dimendberg, E. "From Berlin to Bunker-Hill: Urban Space, Late Modernity, and Film-Noir in Fritz Langs and Joseph Loseys "M"." In Wide Angle: A Quarterly Journal of Film History, Theory Criticism and Practice 19/4 (1997): 62-93.

Duque, Aquilino. "Modern Film and the Crisis of Human Values." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 133-141. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Favazza, A. R. "The Coming of Age of Self-Mutilation." In Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 186/5 (1998): 259-268.

Finamore, Steve. "The Gospel and the Wrath of God in Romans 1." In Understanding, Studying and Reading (1998): 137-154.

Fontanille, J. and Klock-Fontanille, I. "Anger, Passion, and Sin: From Ethics to Aesthetics." In Semiotica 117/2-4 (1997): 145-176.

Gordon, D. "The City and the Plague in the Age-of-Enlightenment." In Yale French Studies no. 92 (1997): 67-87.

Green, M. J. "Images in Opposition: Polarity, Ambivalence and Liminality in Cult Representation." In Antiquity 71/274 (1997): 898-911.

Grotstein, J. S. "The Numinous and Immanent Nature of the Psychoanalytic Subject." In Journal of Analytic Psychology 43/1 (1998): 41-68.

Heinsohn, Gunnar. "The Rise of Blood Sacrifice and Priest-Kingship in Mesopotamia: A Comic Decree." In Religion 22/2 (1992): 109-134.

Heehs, P. "Indian Communalism: A Survey of Historical and Social-Scientific Approaches." In South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 20/1 (1997): 99-113.

Hurlbut, William B. "Mimesis and Empathy in Human Biology." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 14-25.

Ingebretsen, E. J. "Staking the Monster: A Politics of Remonstrance. Divine Rhetoric and the Socializing Imperative of the So-Called American Rite of Deviancy." In Religion and American Culture 8/1 (1998): 91-116.

Jager, Colin. "Sacrifice and the Public Sphere." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 57-73.

Jonas, R. A. "Anxiety, Identity, and the Displacement of Violence During the Annee-Terrible: The Sacred-Heart and the Diocese-of-Nantes, 1870-1871." In French Historical Studies 21/1 (1998): 55-75.

Larcher, Gerhard. "Kunstfilm und anamnetische Kultur." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 11-23. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Lesmeister, R. "The Superego, the Voice of the Self and the Depressive Position." In Journal of Analytical Psychology 43/2 (1998): 287-303.

Ley, Michael: "Damit die Seuche aufhört." In Die Presse, 18 July 1998.

Lindow, J. "Murder and Vengeance Among the Gods: Baldr in Scandinavian Mythology." In FF Communications 116/262 (1997): 9-210.

Mazzaro, J. "The "Mystere Dadam" and Christian Memory." In Comparative Drama 31/4 (1997): 481-505.

McKenna, Andrew. "Religious Differance." In Anthropoetics IV/1 (Spring/Summer 1998): http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/

Moore, Sebastian. "Our Love Is Crucified." In The Downside Review 116/402 (1998): 27-44.

Morris, C. D. "The Allegory of Seeing in Hitchcock Silent-Films." In Film Criticism 22/2 (1998): 27-50.

Neff, D. S. "Anoedipal Fiction: Schizoanalysis and the "Black Dahlia"." In Poetics Today 18/3 (1997): 301-342.

Russo, E. "The Self, Real and Imaginary: Social Sentiment in Marivaux and Hume." In Yale French Studies no. 92 (1997): 126-148.

Scheffler, Thomas. "Vom Königsmord zum Attentat: Zur Kulturmorphologie des politischen Mordes." In Soziologie der Gewalt, ed. von Trotha, Trutz, 182-199. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997.

Stephens, Anthony. "Der Opfergedanke bei Heinrich von Kleist." In Heinrich von Kleist:. Kriegsfall - Rechtsfall - Sündenfall, ed. Neumann, Gerhard, 193-248. Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach Verlag, 1994.

Vanhaute, P. "Narcissism, Mimesis and Psychosis: The Freud-Jung Debate Revisited." In Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 28/1 (1997): 3-19.

Webb, Eugene. "Ernest Becker and the Psychology of Worldviews." In Zygon 33/1 (1998): 71-86.

Weingrad, Michael. "Jews (in Theory): Representation of Judaism, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust in Postmodern French Thought." In Judaism 45 (Winter 1996): 79-98.

Williams, James G. "Review of "Breaking the Fall: Religious Readings of Contemporary Fiction" and "Uncivil Rites: American Fiction, Religion, and the Public Sphere", by Robert Detweiler." In Religion and Literature 29/3 (1997): 89-94.

6) Books applying the mimetic theory

Alison, James. The Joy of Being Wrong: Original Sin through Easter Eyes. Forword by Sebastian Moore. New York: The Crossrads Publishing Company, 1998.

Elias, Michael J. Rechterraadsels of "De twee gezichten van de zondebok. (Neck Riddles of "The two faces of the Scapegoat") Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 1998.

Grote, Jim and McGeeney, John. Clever as Serpents: Business Ethics and Office Politics. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1997.

Martinez, Marie-Louise. Vers la réduction de la violence à l'école: Contribution à l'étude de quelques concepts pour une anthropologie relationelle de la personne en philosophie de l'education. These à la carte. Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1998.

Mikolajewska, Barbara. Desire Came upon that one in the Beginning ...: Creation Hyms of the "Rig Veda". New Haven: The Lintons' Video Press, 1997.

Palaver, Wolfgang. Die mythischen Quellen des Politischen: Carl Schmitts Freund-Feind-Theorie. Beiträge zur Friedensethik 27. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1998.

Rohr, Richard. Love Your Enemy: The Gospel Call to Nonviolence. Lecture (Sound recording) based on the books "Violence and the Sacred", by René Girard, and "Violence Unveiled", by Gil Bailie. Cincinatti: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1997: Sound cassette, 83 minutes.

Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Wettstein, Ronald Harri. Leben- und Sterbenkönnen: Gedanken zur Sterbebegleitung und zur Selbstbestimmung der Person. Bern, Berlin, a.o.: Lang, 1995.

7) Articles applying the mimetic theory

Arens, Edmund. ""Dead Man Walking": On the Cinematic Treatment of Licensed Public Killing." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 14-29. (Copy in: Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 99-115. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.)

Bartlett, Tony. "The Party's Over (Almost): Terminal Celebration in Contemporary Film." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 1-13. (Copy in: Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 143-156. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Calhoon, C. G. "Lucretia, Savior and Scapegoat: The Dynamics of Sacrifice in Livy-1.57-59." In Helios 24/2 (1997): 151-169.

Cornell, John F. "A Parable of Scandal: Speculations about the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 98-117.

Culbertson, Diana. "The Body and the Blood: Sacrificial Expulsion in "Au Revoir Les Enfants". In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 46-56. (Copy in: Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 187-197. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Ecker, Ludwig. "Verkehrsopfer, Verzichtsopfer, Meßopfer ...: Einheit und Kontradiktion in der Opfersprache - für eine konsistente Opfertheorie nach René Girard." In Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift 146/2 (1998): 156-165.

Feddema, J. P. "The Cursing Practice in Sri-Lanka as a Religious Channel for Keeping Physical Violence in Control: The Case of Seenigama." In Journal of Asian and African Studies 32/3-4 (1997): 202-222.

Girard, René. "Reconciliation, Violence and the Gospel." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 211-221. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Girard, René. "Victims, Violence and Christianity." In The Month CCLIX/1564 (April 1998): 129-135.

Goldman, Peter. "Christian Mystery and Responsibility Gnosticism in Derrida's "The Gift of Death"." In Anthropoetics IV/1 (Spring/Summer 1998): http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/

Goldman, Peter. "The Sign of the Cross in John Bunyan's "Grace Abounding"." In Anthropoetics III/2 (Fall/Winter 1997/98): http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/

Graham, Tyler. "St. Augustine's Novellistic Conversion." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 135-154.

Grote, Jim. "The Founding Murder in Machiavelli's "The Prince". In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 118-134.

Guggenberger, Wilhelm, Palaver, Wolfgang, a.o. "Pluralismus - ethische Grundintuition - Kirche." In Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 120/3 (1998): 257-289.

Hamerton-Kelly, Robert. "Ethnic Conflict and Historical Identity in South East Europe." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 25-40. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Hewett, Billy. "Some Ignatian Implications of Imitation." In The Month CCLIX/1564 (April 1998): 144-149.

Jokesch, Alfred. "Und wer ist schuld? Michael Haneke auf der Suche nach Moral im Kino." In Utopie und Fragment: Michael Hanekes Filmwerk, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 153-167. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1996.

Kratter, Matthew. "Twilight of the Vampires: History and Myth of the Undead." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 30-45.

Johnsen, William A. "Joyce's Many "Sisters" and the Demodernization of "Dubliners"." In New Perspectives on "Dubliners", ed. Power, Mary and Schneider, Uli, 69-90. European Joyce Studies 7. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi, 1997.

Moore, Sebastian. "Crucifixion: Accident or Design." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 155-163.

Ouzgane, Lahoucine. "Mimesis and Moral Agency in Wharton's "The House of Mirth"." In Anthropoetics III/2 (Fall/Winter 1997/98): http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/

Pahl, John. "Spectacles of Sacrifice: The Cinema of Adolescence and Youth Violence in American Culture." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 169-185. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Etyczne granice stosowania zasady wiekszosci - o politycznej teologii democracji." (The Ethical Limits to the Application of the Majority Principal: On the Political Theology of Democracy) In Civitas: Studia z filozofii polityki no. 2 (1998): 181-213.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Segen und Fluch der Konkurrenz: Die Globalisierung als sozialethische Herausforderung." In actio catholica 42/1 (1998): 39-48.

Reineke, Martha. "Mimetic Violence and Nella Larsen's "Passing": Toward a Critical Conciousness of Racism." In Contagion 5 (Spring 1998): 74-97.

Schroeder, Christoph. ""Standing in the Breach" - Turning Away the Wrath of God: An Interpretational Analysis of a Biblical Metaphor of Substitutional Sacrifice." In Interpretation 52/1 (1998): 16-23.

Tijmes, Pieter. "Scarcity, Labor, and Modern Technology." In Research in Philosophy and Technology 17 (1998): 81-106.

Tijmes, Pieter. "Schaarste en Technologie." In Civitas Mundi 37 (January 1998): 22-27.

Tijmes, Pieter. "The Context of Sustainable Development." In Technologia, Desarollo Economico y sustendabilidad / Journal of Philosophy of Life Sciences no. 2 (1997): 157-169.

Tijmes, Pieter. "Van literatuur naar wetenschap: René Girard mimese van Don Quichot." In Bzzlletin (April 1997): 66-72.

Wessely, Christian. "Das Opfer im kommerziellen Film: Aspekte des Sündenbockmechanismus im Kino." In Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion", Graz 1997, ed. Grabner, Franz, Larcher, Gerhard and Wessely, Christian, 199-209. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10. Münster: LIT; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 1998.

Wulf, Christoph. "Violence, Religion and Civilization." In Violence: Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia, ed. Dieckmann, B., Wimmer, M. And Wulf, Ch., 41-48. European Studies in Education 5. Münster/New York: Waxmann, 1997.

The Documentation of Literature on the Mimetic Theory is searchable online via Internet. The World Wide Web adress is: http://starwww.uibk.ac.at [for further information see Bulletin no. 9 (1995): p. 6].
You are welcome to send us copies of your articles as well as to refer to any kind of literature dealing with the Mimetic Theory.

Dietmar Regensburger E-mail: Dietmar.Regensburger@uibk.ac.at
Girard-Documentation Fax: (43 512) 507-2761
University of Innsbruck, Universitätsstr. 4, A-6020 Innsbruck / Austria